Nickname: Battler
Role: trimmer
Background: I grew up in Whangarei, New Zealand. Matthew Mason and I grew up in the same town and sailed Cherubs together as kids, both attending the Cherub World Championships in 1982. We’re long-time friends and relocated to Australia in 1984.
Been part of the Wild Oats program since: 2005 and have competed in all the Rolex Sydney Hobarts the boat has done. There’s a small group of us onboard who have done them all.
Number of Hobart races: This will be my 26th
Toughest race moment: I wasn’t on Wild Oats but for sure the 1998 race when I was onboard Larry Ellison’s Sayonara. We were ahead of the worst weather, but it was still very extreme.
One item you always pack: I’m not really that superstitious but I do use all my own equipment.
Being on the start line on Boxing Day: Is an amazing experience in that the level of intensity for the period from the start line to when we turn the last sea mark goes from being incredibly full-on to being quiet and peaceful.
What are you most looking forward to about this year’s race: Putting in a good performance. Wild Oats isn’t a new boat; we have to sail it really well to achieve a good result.