Wild Oats News

Testing tactics, and torment, in the Transpac Race 2015

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The crew of the Australian supermaxi, Wild Oats XI, is hanging on to hope as much as conviction in the 2225 nautical mile Transpac Race from Los Angeles to Hawaii as the majority of the fleet continues to be dogged by frustratingly light and variable wind conditions. Late today the big, silver-hulled sloop, which is entered in the classic race under a joint arrangement between American yachtsman, Roy P. Disney, and the Australian owner, Bob Oatley AO, was continuing to lead her class and make significant gains on the other divisions ahead that had started days earlier. But, with the race course being a minefield of calms and significant changes in wind direction, the 16-man Wild Oats XI crew knew…

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“Aiming at the “Barn Door” and doing 19 knots in the Transpac Race 2015

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After a challenging and slow first night at sea, where squalls and near calms associated with thunderstorms had a significant influence on progress, Australian supermaxi, Wild Oats XI, was back to full flight today in the Transpac Race 2015. “Right now we’re averaging around 19 knots and aiming straight at the Barn Door – Hawaii,” said the yacht’s obviously delighted navigator, Nick White, early today. “It’s fantastic downwind sailing. You couldn’t ask for much better … except we’d like some sunshine instead of heavy cloud.” White, who is also Wild Oats XI’s on-board meteorologist, said the first 18 hours since yesterday’s start of the 2225 nautical mile Transpac race from Los Angeles to Honolulu, had been both baffling and frustrating….

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Wild Oats XI in a tight tussle for the lead in the Transpac race from Los Angeles to Hawaii

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Two Australian supermaxi yachts, Wild Oats XI and Ragamuffin, were fighting for the lead in their division following the start in the Transpac Race from Los Angeles to Hawaii today. Only boat lengths separated the pair as they rounded the northern tip of Santa Catalina Island, two hours into the race and 20 nautical miles off the coast. From there they headed out into the massive expanse of the North Pacific, the crews knowing the next land they would sight would be the coast of Hawaii more than 2000 nautical miles away to the south west. Wild Oats XI, competing under a co-charter arrangement between Californian yachtsman Roy P. Disney, and the yacht’s Australian owner, Bob Oatley AO, set sail…

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